We hope you are delighted with your order. If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with your item(s) purchased from (UK), you may return these to us. We will be happy to offer you an exchange or a refund.
The product(s) needs to be returned in the original box within 14 days of delivery, undamaged/unused, in saleable condition and a proof of purchase is required. The box must be packed to ensure safe return, we cannot accept damaged returned goods.
Unless Ormonde Jayne has sent you an incorrect/incomplete order, we regret that you will be required to pay for the return of the item(s). To do this please contact
Please note, due to restrictions of sending perfume by standard post determined by the Department of Transport, we will need to organise for the product to be picked up by our courier service which is more costly than standard post.
If a product has been used or opened, we operate a no-return, refund or exchange policy, unless the product is faulty.
If the products you receive do not match your order, please accept our apologies.
Notify within 14 days of delivery and we will arrange a collection and send the correct order.
Please inspect your parcel on arrival for any severe damage that may have occurred during shipment. If badly damaged, please photograph and send these to us.
It is normal for the carton to show some wear, however, if internal damage has occurred to your order, please contact
Please retain the shipping box, packing materials and the damaged items for inspection by the carrier company.
We are unable to accept returns and operate a no return or refund policy for products purchased instore except where the product is faulty. Please bring the product to the boutique along with proof of purchase and we will happily process your refund or exchange immediately.